4th Passive Building French Convention
The FRENCH CONVENTION OF PASSIVE BUILDING is the annual French professional event dedicated to the advancement of Passive Building in France.
What |
When | Mar 25, 2010 09:00 AM to Mar 26, 2010 12:00 AM |
Where | Grenoble |
Contact Name | ancp@lamaisonpassive.fr |
Theme of the event
The FRENCH CONVENTION OF PASSIVE BUILDING is the annual French professional event dedicated to the advancement of Passive Building in France.
The first 3 editions of the convention had intended to introduce in France the concept of Passive Building and to make known its various aspects and its techno-economic issues.
A major conclusion of the 2009 convention was that for the 2010 edition, it becomes particularly relevant to address strategic issues (market logic, game players, etc.) related to the penetration of the Passive Building in France.
Indeed, the technique gradually becomes usual practice, the "ingredients" of it do actually exist and become available, their dissemination and implementation are a matter of time and training : the technique is not a subject of argument, brakes and limits to the market takeoff lie elsewhere (power relationships, habits & conformism, supply policies & structures, certification promotion & attractiveness, positive communication and "green takeover", etc.)
For existing as well as for new buildings ...
the program of the 2010 event does not explicitly differentiate the two "sides" of the “Passive Building” application universe:both will of course be present implicitly throughout the convention. As in 2009, the 2010 edition structures in 2 days, Thursday 25 and Friday 26 of March : reflection matters for the first day, more practical matters for the second day.
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